Prayer Team

Prayer is simply talking to God, and meditation is listening for His response.  There is nothing like having a consistent prayer life that will move your faith into a true relationship with Christ.  A consistent prayer life will energize the heart of a believer and release the power of God's blessing on their life and circumstances.    It is our desire to be an Acts 2:42 church, where we continually devote ourselves to teaching the Word, to fellowship,  to breaking bread with one another, and to praying without ceasing.  

Pray Before Service

Join us before our services on Sunday and Wednesday for a time of quiet meditation and prayer.
When:  Sunday @ 8:45am
When:  Wednesday @ 5:45pm
Where:  Prayer Room
Contacts:  Ken & Roma Pitt


Pray Weekly

Join us during the week as we pray for our families, our church, our communities, our country and our world.
When:  Tue - Wed - Thurs
Time:  8:30am
Where:  Prayer Room
Contact:  Pastor Fernando Zamora

Pray for Our Prodigals

Join us once a month as we gather after Sunday Service to corporately pray for the prodigals in our lives.
When:  Third Sunday of the Month
Time:  11:00am
 Where:  Martha's Room
Contact:  Brenda Harp

Do you need prayer?

Use the "Submit Your Prayer Request" button to send us your prayer request and our staff will be honored to pray for you or someone you know.  Our team prays for all prayer requests on a regular basis.
Prayer Team Leaders:  Ken & Roma Pitt
Ken and Roma both grew up in the Metro-Denver area and have been married for 42 years.  When they got married, they chose Crossroads (then Calvary Chapel) as their home church.  Ten years later, they went with the Crossroads’ church plant that would become Church in the City – Bath Abraham.  They remained at CITC-BA for 25 years until the Lord called them back to Crossroads . They currently lead the Prayer Ministry and feel that the mission of the prayer ministry is to fulfill the Lord’s mandate to pray and to simply help people.