Crossroads Church of Denver
Updates on Pastor Fernando

On July 24, 2024, Pastor Fernando and his wife Daminica were involved in a car accident involving a motorcycle smashing into their car on the driver's side where Fernando was sitting. The motorcycle rider went through the driver's side window and his helmet hit Fernando on the left side of his head, fracturing his skull. He is recovering from major surgery at this time. Daminica was pretty banged up, but is stable and was released from the hospital. She will need our overwhelming support and prayers. You may send cards of encouragement to Crossroads Church of Denver and we will make sure they get to the Zamora family. The family is requesting privacy at this time as they are still processing this tragedy. Regular updates will be posted on this page.
The Zamora family has setup a Go Fund Me for those that would like to help financially. Your contribution will help lessen the burden of lost wages, living expenses, and support for Fernando's ongoing medical treatment. Whether it be by donating, or sharing this campaign, or praying for Fernando's recovery, we genuinely appreciate any support you can give. Thank you!
A Special Message from Daminica Zamora | December 22, 2024
I debated sharing some of these photos because they share a very intimate part of our life but the Lord has had you all walking with us. I also received the blessing of my husband to share. I’ve continued to feel the Lord prompting me to share our story.
Fernando's Journey (so far)
(Slide Show)
On July 24, the lives of 3 people were forever changed by the reckless actions of a young man who chose to drive too fast with no license, registration, or insurance. The result was a catastrophic accident that most likely should have resulted in the death of my husband and that of the other young driver.
I remember being taught when I was a child that you could always call on the name of Jesus when you didn’t know what or how to pray. You could call out to Jesus and he would hear the prayers in your heart.
On that horrible night when I was pulled out of the vehicle believing that I had just witnessed my husband's last breath I was crippled with a fear that felt as if it sucked the breath out of my soul. I found myself spinning in circles in the middle of the road doubled over in pain and unimaginable grief. I heard the cries of the other driver and the smell of the smoke from the impact. People were shouting and you could hear sirens all around. I screamed out to God from a place so deep inside me I didn’t even know existed until that moment. I repeated, “Jesus, let them live!” over and over again. I remember doing this until my son Michael arrived and pulled me out of the road.
I begged him not to make me go in the ambulance because I just wanted to see my husband. As my mom drove me to the hospital, I begged God for His mercy to be upon them both. Once there I had to wait for hours agonizing if my husband was alive and with an overwhelming sickness in my stomach waiting for word on the condition of the other driver.
I lost my brother and only sibling in a motorcycle accident when I was 23 and it absolutely gutted my family. In an instant all the memories from the night we got the call that we had lost my brother played over and over in my mind. I prayed and prayed this wouldn’t be the reality that his family would have to face.
That night in July had quickly become my worst nightmare come true and far beyond what my human mind could comprehend. What unfolded next was nothing short of a miracle ~ God heard those prayers and He answered them. I have been told over and over by the police and the doctors that neither of them should have lived that night and that if I had been driving there is no way I would have survived such an impact.
BUT GOD…had other plans… I can’t pretend to know what those plans are right now. What I do know is a miracle was given but an incredibly difficult and unknown future began. Life as we knew it in every single way ended that night. I am human and in my human strength this reality has shattered my heart, left me completely overwhelmed and at times paralyzed with fear. I would not have been able to survive that night much less endure the physical and mental demands that I am faced with each day as we face this new and unknown future together.
I recently heard a sermon about remaining Steadfast in the Lord. I was reminded that faith and fear can’t dwell in the same place. I think as believers we all know this to be true but when you’re going through the muck and the mire it’s easy to forget. In Psalm 40, the Bible describes it as a slimy pit that is inescapable on our own. We just slip and fall and exhaust ourselves in our own strength trying to climb out. That is not what God wants for any of us. I’m not going to pretend, some days it feels like we are in that pit. So reminding myself that Faith cannot dwell in the same heart and mind as fear is something that I have to be intentional to remind myself of daily. I am weak and lack so many things on my own, but in my weakness God is glorified! When I lean into the strength of the Lord all that I lack is restored. God picks me up from that pit and in all the scary places and He reminds me of his truth and his promises. He promises that His grace is sufficient.
This means that his love is enough, His love makes me strong enough to endure the hard days and in all of the uncertainty of life. His love is enough to comfort me in my grief. His love shows me the joy in trusting in Him and being hopeful for a brighter tomorrow as my faith and reliance is in Him and has deepened in ways I have never experienced before. I know that I can trust God with it all.
For you see the burdens of this world are far too heavy to carry on our own. God tells us to give him our heavy burdens and He will make it light. Prayers went up the night of the accident for both Fernando and the other family. God has been working giving Fernando His peace in the waiting and in return Fernando has boldly shared that faith with the doctors, nurses, family, friends and especially with me.
I continue to pray daily that God is doing the same in the life of the other family as well. I believe that God has allowed us to walk through this fire and he is refining us to draw out our impurities. He has stripped away our reliance on the things of this world and has asked us to put our trust in Him alone. We have been truly humbled by our mighty God! God is faithful; he doesn't leave us or forsake us.
God has placed all of you in our life’s to walk along the side of us. You have faithfully prayed, financially supported us through this hardship, provided meals and loved us in ways I may never fully be adequately able to express our gratitude. In return God calls us to pray for all of you and we thank God for each of you in our life.
We are incredibly blessed and thankful to be home. We see the miracles that we prayed for the night of the accident answered! This Christmas I told my family that we will be going back to the basics. We will be focusing on the gifts that God has already given us. I always say, “I hate that this happened.” However, I am so incredibly grateful that in all of this I have learned to appreciate all the things we once took for granted. When I woke up this morning it’s not lost on me that it is a gift from the Lord. Yes, there are struggles, aches and pains, financial worries, health problems and we can let that steal our joy or we can wake up and say thank you Lord for the gift of opportunity. We have the opportunity to love others like Jesus. We have the opportunity today to choose Faith over Fear in the midst of our circumstances.
We are reminded daily that this is not a sprint, it is a marathon. Fernando has been working incredibly hard every day. He is having to relearn everything from the basic daily living tasks, to walking and speaking. His days are long, exhausting and at times very painful. He has a long road to recovery ahead of him. Yet incredibly he wakes up every morning filled with the spirit of the Lord! He is happy and joyful in his circumstances. He literally sings praises to the Lord in all things. He lives just as the Lord calls us to be. If I am honest I have never seen this lived out in such a way and I am honored to walk beside this man and blessed to be his wife.
Our prayer requests are asking for strength and endurance as we navigate life at home and in outpatient therapy. That the Lord will continue to restore Fernando’s speech and that he will get up out of that chair and walk in Jesus’s name. We encourage prayer for the other family as well.
Thank you all for being a part of our village! We truly are humbled and couldn’t imagine walking through life without each of you.
Remember to thank God for the gifts you have today as you remember they are the things you once prayed for. I encourage you to hold your loved one’s close. Choose love, joy, and forgiveness. Tomorrow isn’t promised so let’s make sure our words and actions today are glorifying to the Lord! Merry Christmas from the Zamora’s!
Matthew 17:20
Today is a good day for a miracle!
I remember being taught when I was a child that you could always call on the name of Jesus when you didn’t know what or how to pray. You could call out to Jesus and he would hear the prayers in your heart.
On that horrible night when I was pulled out of the vehicle believing that I had just witnessed my husband's last breath I was crippled with a fear that felt as if it sucked the breath out of my soul. I found myself spinning in circles in the middle of the road doubled over in pain and unimaginable grief. I heard the cries of the other driver and the smell of the smoke from the impact. People were shouting and you could hear sirens all around. I screamed out to God from a place so deep inside me I didn’t even know existed until that moment. I repeated, “Jesus, let them live!” over and over again. I remember doing this until my son Michael arrived and pulled me out of the road.
I begged him not to make me go in the ambulance because I just wanted to see my husband. As my mom drove me to the hospital, I begged God for His mercy to be upon them both. Once there I had to wait for hours agonizing if my husband was alive and with an overwhelming sickness in my stomach waiting for word on the condition of the other driver.
I lost my brother and only sibling in a motorcycle accident when I was 23 and it absolutely gutted my family. In an instant all the memories from the night we got the call that we had lost my brother played over and over in my mind. I prayed and prayed this wouldn’t be the reality that his family would have to face.
That night in July had quickly become my worst nightmare come true and far beyond what my human mind could comprehend. What unfolded next was nothing short of a miracle ~ God heard those prayers and He answered them. I have been told over and over by the police and the doctors that neither of them should have lived that night and that if I had been driving there is no way I would have survived such an impact.
BUT GOD…had other plans… I can’t pretend to know what those plans are right now. What I do know is a miracle was given but an incredibly difficult and unknown future began. Life as we knew it in every single way ended that night. I am human and in my human strength this reality has shattered my heart, left me completely overwhelmed and at times paralyzed with fear. I would not have been able to survive that night much less endure the physical and mental demands that I am faced with each day as we face this new and unknown future together.
I recently heard a sermon about remaining Steadfast in the Lord. I was reminded that faith and fear can’t dwell in the same place. I think as believers we all know this to be true but when you’re going through the muck and the mire it’s easy to forget. In Psalm 40, the Bible describes it as a slimy pit that is inescapable on our own. We just slip and fall and exhaust ourselves in our own strength trying to climb out. That is not what God wants for any of us. I’m not going to pretend, some days it feels like we are in that pit. So reminding myself that Faith cannot dwell in the same heart and mind as fear is something that I have to be intentional to remind myself of daily. I am weak and lack so many things on my own, but in my weakness God is glorified! When I lean into the strength of the Lord all that I lack is restored. God picks me up from that pit and in all the scary places and He reminds me of his truth and his promises. He promises that His grace is sufficient.
This means that his love is enough, His love makes me strong enough to endure the hard days and in all of the uncertainty of life. His love is enough to comfort me in my grief. His love shows me the joy in trusting in Him and being hopeful for a brighter tomorrow as my faith and reliance is in Him and has deepened in ways I have never experienced before. I know that I can trust God with it all.
For you see the burdens of this world are far too heavy to carry on our own. God tells us to give him our heavy burdens and He will make it light. Prayers went up the night of the accident for both Fernando and the other family. God has been working giving Fernando His peace in the waiting and in return Fernando has boldly shared that faith with the doctors, nurses, family, friends and especially with me.
I continue to pray daily that God is doing the same in the life of the other family as well. I believe that God has allowed us to walk through this fire and he is refining us to draw out our impurities. He has stripped away our reliance on the things of this world and has asked us to put our trust in Him alone. We have been truly humbled by our mighty God! God is faithful; he doesn't leave us or forsake us.
God has placed all of you in our life’s to walk along the side of us. You have faithfully prayed, financially supported us through this hardship, provided meals and loved us in ways I may never fully be adequately able to express our gratitude. In return God calls us to pray for all of you and we thank God for each of you in our life.
We are incredibly blessed and thankful to be home. We see the miracles that we prayed for the night of the accident answered! This Christmas I told my family that we will be going back to the basics. We will be focusing on the gifts that God has already given us. I always say, “I hate that this happened.” However, I am so incredibly grateful that in all of this I have learned to appreciate all the things we once took for granted. When I woke up this morning it’s not lost on me that it is a gift from the Lord. Yes, there are struggles, aches and pains, financial worries, health problems and we can let that steal our joy or we can wake up and say thank you Lord for the gift of opportunity. We have the opportunity to love others like Jesus. We have the opportunity today to choose Faith over Fear in the midst of our circumstances.
We are reminded daily that this is not a sprint, it is a marathon. Fernando has been working incredibly hard every day. He is having to relearn everything from the basic daily living tasks, to walking and speaking. His days are long, exhausting and at times very painful. He has a long road to recovery ahead of him. Yet incredibly he wakes up every morning filled with the spirit of the Lord! He is happy and joyful in his circumstances. He literally sings praises to the Lord in all things. He lives just as the Lord calls us to be. If I am honest I have never seen this lived out in such a way and I am honored to walk beside this man and blessed to be his wife.
Our prayer requests are asking for strength and endurance as we navigate life at home and in outpatient therapy. That the Lord will continue to restore Fernando’s speech and that he will get up out of that chair and walk in Jesus’s name. We encourage prayer for the other family as well.
Thank you all for being a part of our village! We truly are humbled and couldn’t imagine walking through life without each of you.
Remember to thank God for the gifts you have today as you remember they are the things you once prayed for. I encourage you to hold your loved one’s close. Choose love, joy, and forgiveness. Tomorrow isn’t promised so let’s make sure our words and actions today are glorifying to the Lord! Merry Christmas from the Zamora’s!
Matthew 17:20
Today is a good day for a miracle!
12/5/2024 1:00pm - Update
Hello Team Fernando,
After a lengthy 133 days in the hospital, Fernando was released today (12/4/24) and is beginning his long-awaited journey home. He and Daminica transitioned over to Craig’s family housing unit where they will reside together for a few more days as they wait on the completion of the bathroom renovation and for finishing touches to be completed on the modifications at their house.
Today’s discharge signifies a significant milestone in Fernando’s recovery process and although his journey is far from over, we are grateful to have him home in time for Christmas! His recovery remains a slow process that will require on-going management. Returning home can be a complex transition with potential challenges making home both comforting and overwhelming. Daminica will be working to create a structured environment to manage his symptoms and facilitate recovery. Once home, he will begin his outpatient therapy three days a week at the rehab facility and Daminica will fill in on the off days, continuing with his occupational, physical and speech needs. Fernando still has a lot of cognitive impairments, including difficulty with motor planning, issues with memory and the aphasia and apraxia make it difficult for him to communicate.
Despite the numerous lung infections hindering his recovery, Fernando remained steadfast and faithful, working hard, and never giving up, despite all the insurmountable odds against him. We witnessed what Fernando’s faith combined with his mental resilience can accomplish and believe that will continue at home, helping him to overcome any future challenges he may encounter.
We are endlessly grateful to everyone who has worked so hard on the home modifications. It means the world to have the house accessible for Fernando’s return home and puts us at ease knowing he can be self-reliant and comfortable as possible. Also, the outpouring of support and the unleashing of God’s love we’ve received from our faith communities, family, friends, co-workers, and the medical professionals who helped us navigate this challenging time has profoundly touched us and was essential to Fernando’s progress. We are deeply grateful for every single measure of kindness extended to us and none of it has gone unnoticed or under-appreciated.
Returning home after rehabilitation is a major step for the couple and although they are excited at the prospect, they also anticipate there being new challenges to overcome. Please continue to lift them in prayer as they work together to find their new normal and establish a good, working daily routine. Prayers for restored speech, memory and vision, movement on his right side, healthy lung function and for continued overall healing of his brain are also appreciated. We remain hopeful for his full recovery, trusting that it will happen in God’s perfect timing.
In the Zamora family His name remains, “Wonderful Counselor”, “Mighty God”, “Everlasting Father”, “Prince of Peace”, “Lord of Lords”, and “King of Kings”, we choose by faith to make the good news of great joy a reality in our lives every single day. We want to extend to all of our brothers and sisters in Christ, a very, Merry Christmas!
May God make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed. 2 Cor 9:8
Dallas Harris
After a lengthy 133 days in the hospital, Fernando was released today (12/4/24) and is beginning his long-awaited journey home. He and Daminica transitioned over to Craig’s family housing unit where they will reside together for a few more days as they wait on the completion of the bathroom renovation and for finishing touches to be completed on the modifications at their house.
Today’s discharge signifies a significant milestone in Fernando’s recovery process and although his journey is far from over, we are grateful to have him home in time for Christmas! His recovery remains a slow process that will require on-going management. Returning home can be a complex transition with potential challenges making home both comforting and overwhelming. Daminica will be working to create a structured environment to manage his symptoms and facilitate recovery. Once home, he will begin his outpatient therapy three days a week at the rehab facility and Daminica will fill in on the off days, continuing with his occupational, physical and speech needs. Fernando still has a lot of cognitive impairments, including difficulty with motor planning, issues with memory and the aphasia and apraxia make it difficult for him to communicate.
Despite the numerous lung infections hindering his recovery, Fernando remained steadfast and faithful, working hard, and never giving up, despite all the insurmountable odds against him. We witnessed what Fernando’s faith combined with his mental resilience can accomplish and believe that will continue at home, helping him to overcome any future challenges he may encounter.
We are endlessly grateful to everyone who has worked so hard on the home modifications. It means the world to have the house accessible for Fernando’s return home and puts us at ease knowing he can be self-reliant and comfortable as possible. Also, the outpouring of support and the unleashing of God’s love we’ve received from our faith communities, family, friends, co-workers, and the medical professionals who helped us navigate this challenging time has profoundly touched us and was essential to Fernando’s progress. We are deeply grateful for every single measure of kindness extended to us and none of it has gone unnoticed or under-appreciated.
Returning home after rehabilitation is a major step for the couple and although they are excited at the prospect, they also anticipate there being new challenges to overcome. Please continue to lift them in prayer as they work together to find their new normal and establish a good, working daily routine. Prayers for restored speech, memory and vision, movement on his right side, healthy lung function and for continued overall healing of his brain are also appreciated. We remain hopeful for his full recovery, trusting that it will happen in God’s perfect timing.
In the Zamora family His name remains, “Wonderful Counselor”, “Mighty God”, “Everlasting Father”, “Prince of Peace”, “Lord of Lords”, and “King of Kings”, we choose by faith to make the good news of great joy a reality in our lives every single day. We want to extend to all of our brothers and sisters in Christ, a very, Merry Christmas!
May God make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed. 2 Cor 9:8
Dallas Harris

11/21/2024 8:40pm - Update
Hello Team Fernando,
Once again we find ourselves facing disappointments that have left us feeling disheartened and questioning the purpose behind all the struggles. The plans for Iowa fell through due to loop holes with insurance, Fernando and Daminica will not be traveling to Iowa after all. Having plans changed at the last minute was stressful, all our expectations were dashed, Daminica lost her job in order to accompany Fernando and the entire experience left us all feeling unprepared and uncertain of what comes next. This has been a particularly challenging four months marked with so many unforeseen disappointments, this felt like one more punch in the gut. We wrested with why God seemingly presented to us a great opportunity to a path forward, but then unexpectedly closed it off. It felt unsettling, confusing and disappointing. It took us a bit to get our bearings but we landed on for whatever reason, the Iowa path was not meant to be. God has something different in mind, something requiring that we trust His guidance once again. I feel like we’ve been enrolled in resilience school and we’re learning that resilience isn’t so much about bouncing back as it is about standing firm, despite the trials. Reality is, the challenges and difficulties ahead aren’t simply going to magically disappear, the Lord knows we need a strong foundation of faith and resilience in order to persevere through the tough times ahead. We’re also learning that setbacks don’t necessarily mean dead ends. Setbacks can also be crossroads where God’s purpose intersects with our lives, we can trust in the sovereignty of God and in His goodness even in these unforeseen detours. As we navigate through this latest detour, we once again ask for your prayers to navigate through whatever comes next. Fernando will be coming home, Dec 4th so please pray we can lean on the Lord and not on our own understanding or what we think needs to happen, get done or even on what our expectations might be once he’s home. Please pray for Fernando as he begins the small steps to integrate back home, back to his life, his friends and his family, for an enhanced ability to dwell in the small gifts of each day and for his confidence and sense of purpose to be renewed. We know His Word is true, His promises are sincere and His plan is never to harm us, please pray we will stand firm!
I’ll end with this. The other day, in music therapy Fernando was asked to pick a worship song. They wanted to perform a special worship ceremony in the Chapel in his honor and as a special send off gift to him. He had already been asked to provide his favorite worship songs but they needed one more to complete the set. Fernando chose, “To Raise a Hallelujah.” His therapist just looked at him with the most loving and sincere look, tears welling up in her eyes and she said, “Fernando, you just picked the perfect song!“She said, “it’s your song, you have been raising a Hallelujah from the very first day you arrived here!”
We cant know what the future holds, we can’t see the whole picture or even the road ahead, we only know that the one leading us is faithful. So, we will sing a little louder as we “Raise A Hallelujah!”
Dallas Harris
Once again we find ourselves facing disappointments that have left us feeling disheartened and questioning the purpose behind all the struggles. The plans for Iowa fell through due to loop holes with insurance, Fernando and Daminica will not be traveling to Iowa after all. Having plans changed at the last minute was stressful, all our expectations were dashed, Daminica lost her job in order to accompany Fernando and the entire experience left us all feeling unprepared and uncertain of what comes next. This has been a particularly challenging four months marked with so many unforeseen disappointments, this felt like one more punch in the gut. We wrested with why God seemingly presented to us a great opportunity to a path forward, but then unexpectedly closed it off. It felt unsettling, confusing and disappointing. It took us a bit to get our bearings but we landed on for whatever reason, the Iowa path was not meant to be. God has something different in mind, something requiring that we trust His guidance once again. I feel like we’ve been enrolled in resilience school and we’re learning that resilience isn’t so much about bouncing back as it is about standing firm, despite the trials. Reality is, the challenges and difficulties ahead aren’t simply going to magically disappear, the Lord knows we need a strong foundation of faith and resilience in order to persevere through the tough times ahead. We’re also learning that setbacks don’t necessarily mean dead ends. Setbacks can also be crossroads where God’s purpose intersects with our lives, we can trust in the sovereignty of God and in His goodness even in these unforeseen detours. As we navigate through this latest detour, we once again ask for your prayers to navigate through whatever comes next. Fernando will be coming home, Dec 4th so please pray we can lean on the Lord and not on our own understanding or what we think needs to happen, get done or even on what our expectations might be once he’s home. Please pray for Fernando as he begins the small steps to integrate back home, back to his life, his friends and his family, for an enhanced ability to dwell in the small gifts of each day and for his confidence and sense of purpose to be renewed. We know His Word is true, His promises are sincere and His plan is never to harm us, please pray we will stand firm!
I’ll end with this. The other day, in music therapy Fernando was asked to pick a worship song. They wanted to perform a special worship ceremony in the Chapel in his honor and as a special send off gift to him. He had already been asked to provide his favorite worship songs but they needed one more to complete the set. Fernando chose, “To Raise a Hallelujah.” His therapist just looked at him with the most loving and sincere look, tears welling up in her eyes and she said, “Fernando, you just picked the perfect song!“She said, “it’s your song, you have been raising a Hallelujah from the very first day you arrived here!”
We cant know what the future holds, we can’t see the whole picture or even the road ahead, we only know that the one leading us is faithful. So, we will sing a little louder as we “Raise A Hallelujah!”
Dallas Harris
11/13/2024 7:25am - Update
Good morning Team Fernando.
The time is drawing near when our friends, Fernando and Daminica will begin the next leg of their journey to Iowa. Comprehensive assessments for physical, communicative and neurophysiological evaluations have begun to gauge Fernando’s progress thus far, and to have as a method to measure the progress made upon his return.
Daminica also met with her HR people in hopes she could retain her insurance as well as her job while she accompanied Fernando to Iowa. Instead, they informed her they were letting her go beginning 12/20. It was a huge disappointment and one more obstacle for her to overcome. In situations like this, it can be difficult to understand the heart of God and the walls can feel as though they are closing in on you. I sat with Daminica after receiving this news and I witnessed the tears of a worn out soul pouring herself out to God. She had a good, hard cry and then I watched as she regained her composure and declared her confidence that God will continue to be faithful and provide for their every need.
I believe God purposefully stripped away anything that would cause her (them) to rely on anything other than Him. I believe this is one more step of faith, trusting and believing in God's goodness and power depending only on His guidance and strength to navigate through any difficulties ahead, rather than relying on a job, insurance or even family on support to get through. It’s about surrendering control and having an unwavering faith that God is going to provide. I believe Daminica has been refined by the fire, strengthened, prepared and made ready for the task ahead.
Please pray as they prepare to head out for Iowa, for faith to trust in the rehabilitation process and for the victory and complete restoration, in His timing! God’s speed, Fernando and Daminica!
Dallas HarrisThe time is drawing near when our friends, Fernando and Daminica will begin the next leg of their journey to Iowa. Comprehensive assessments for physical, communicative and neurophysiological evaluations have begun to gauge Fernando’s progress thus far, and to have as a method to measure the progress made upon his return.
Daminica also met with her HR people in hopes she could retain her insurance as well as her job while she accompanied Fernando to Iowa. Instead, they informed her they were letting her go beginning 12/20. It was a huge disappointment and one more obstacle for her to overcome. In situations like this, it can be difficult to understand the heart of God and the walls can feel as though they are closing in on you. I sat with Daminica after receiving this news and I witnessed the tears of a worn out soul pouring herself out to God. She had a good, hard cry and then I watched as she regained her composure and declared her confidence that God will continue to be faithful and provide for their every need.
I believe God purposefully stripped away anything that would cause her (them) to rely on anything other than Him. I believe this is one more step of faith, trusting and believing in God's goodness and power depending only on His guidance and strength to navigate through any difficulties ahead, rather than relying on a job, insurance or even family on support to get through. It’s about surrendering control and having an unwavering faith that God is going to provide. I believe Daminica has been refined by the fire, strengthened, prepared and made ready for the task ahead.
Please pray as they prepare to head out for Iowa, for faith to trust in the rehabilitation process and for the victory and complete restoration, in His timing! God’s speed, Fernando and Daminica!

"Peanut Butter & Jelly"
Fernando & Daminica
Fernando & Daminica
11/08/2024 3:45pm - Update
On Monday, "our hero in the half shell" underwent a 5 hour surgery to place a plate over the hole in his skull so that finally, after months of having to wear a very uncomfortable helmet, he could ditch his shell at last!
Brain surgery is complicated and risky and we were elated when Fernando woke up in recovery singing, “Amen, Amen!” We were put at ease knowing all had gone well. Then yesterday things took a scary turn. Fernando was sent to Swedish twice, once for a CT scan of his chest and head to locate the source of an infection that was brewing somewhere in his body and a second time for an MRI to rule out a brain bleed or clot.
Praise God, all scans came back clear and Fernando, although battling the after effects of a major surgery and looking like he got the worst end of a fight, is now being closely monitored through the weekend and is expected to be back in full Fernando force by Monday.
His spirits are high and he continues to shine the light of Jesus with everyone he encounters. It’s evident to anyone that spends any amount of time with Fernando that his life is being guided by God’s power and presence. This surgery is a big step towards his recovery and should help to stabilize the pressure in his head. We are anticipating gains in brain function, including memory, language, and visual-constructive abilities. This is our hope and our prayer!
A couple of weeks before the surgery, he and Daminica had an opportunity to go on an outing with some of the other patients and their chaperons. They took them to the mall where they could have lunch and do a little shopping. Fernando was able to pick out some new glasses, his old ones were bent up from the accident and were uncomfortable to wear. He also got to pick what he wanted to have for lunch. He chose a warmed giant pretzel that he could dip in hot, melted cheese and he was as happy as a man can be. He also played a game where you win a prize out of a machine. Of all the different prizes that were stocked in that machine, Fernando pulled out a little turtle, AND, he’s wearing a helmet to boot! What are the odds? I’d say the odds are most definitely in Fernando’s favor and his accident and everything he has been through since is an example of a simple truth, a truth that can encourage us all, God does the impossible.
Please pray for our hero as he continues to recover from surgery and for all the miraculous things awaiting him in Iowa as his journey forward continues.
Please pray as Daminica will also be meeting with HR on Tuesday afternoon.
Brain surgery is complicated and risky and we were elated when Fernando woke up in recovery singing, “Amen, Amen!” We were put at ease knowing all had gone well. Then yesterday things took a scary turn. Fernando was sent to Swedish twice, once for a CT scan of his chest and head to locate the source of an infection that was brewing somewhere in his body and a second time for an MRI to rule out a brain bleed or clot.
Praise God, all scans came back clear and Fernando, although battling the after effects of a major surgery and looking like he got the worst end of a fight, is now being closely monitored through the weekend and is expected to be back in full Fernando force by Monday.
His spirits are high and he continues to shine the light of Jesus with everyone he encounters. It’s evident to anyone that spends any amount of time with Fernando that his life is being guided by God’s power and presence. This surgery is a big step towards his recovery and should help to stabilize the pressure in his head. We are anticipating gains in brain function, including memory, language, and visual-constructive abilities. This is our hope and our prayer!
A couple of weeks before the surgery, he and Daminica had an opportunity to go on an outing with some of the other patients and their chaperons. They took them to the mall where they could have lunch and do a little shopping. Fernando was able to pick out some new glasses, his old ones were bent up from the accident and were uncomfortable to wear. He also got to pick what he wanted to have for lunch. He chose a warmed giant pretzel that he could dip in hot, melted cheese and he was as happy as a man can be. He also played a game where you win a prize out of a machine. Of all the different prizes that were stocked in that machine, Fernando pulled out a little turtle, AND, he’s wearing a helmet to boot! What are the odds? I’d say the odds are most definitely in Fernando’s favor and his accident and everything he has been through since is an example of a simple truth, a truth that can encourage us all, God does the impossible.
Please pray for our hero as he continues to recover from surgery and for all the miraculous things awaiting him in Iowa as his journey forward continues.
Please pray as Daminica will also be meeting with HR on Tuesday afternoon.
Please Pray for the necessary resources and provisions to allow her to accompany Fernando to Iowa.

"Our hero in the half shell "
"Our hero in the half shell "
11/05/2024 8:40pm - Update
Thank you for praying! Surgery was a huge success, and Fernando is now recovering in the ICU. We were overjoyed when he woke up and opened his eyes, gave a thumbs up, and started singing "Amen, Amen, Amen!" God's goodness is evident! Please continue to pray for a speedy recovery and a full and miraculous healing! WE ARE FERNANDO STRONG!
Daminica Zamora
11/01/2024 5:15am - Update
Today is the day for a miracle. The power of prayer and faith has brought forth a remarkable breakthrough. Fernando's RIGHT leg moved several times intentionally on command, a testament to the power of prayer and the ever-listening ear of the God. My heart is overflowing with joy and my spirit soars with hope, praise and endless gratitude! The best thing about it was the absolute joy and happiness I saw in the eyes of my precious husband. Thank you, dear Lord, for this much-needed blessing. I sought the Lord and He heard and He answered. That’s why I trust Him! Thank you faithful prayer warriors, family and friends!
10/31/2024 11:36am - Update
Hello Team Fernando!
It’s been a significant amount of time since our last update and a lot of life has happened in the meantime. We’ve been attempting to learn the art of balancing life between home, work and hospital and it can quite grueling and exhausting at times. I will attempt to catch you up on the most recent goings on.
As some of you already know, Fernando’s trachea and g-tube were finally removed. He is completely off the oxygen during the day and only receives slight supplemental assistance at night while sleeping. All these things were huge victories worth celebrating and for Fernando, vital moments where he was able to take mental inventory of his progress. The next “big” step is his long awaited cranioplasty surgery, scheduled for November 5th. This is where they will go in to restore the contour of his skull by covering the piece that was previously removed with a custom contoured graft made into a titanium plate. As with all surgeries, there are risks for secondary injuries, blood clots, stokes and infection among other things.
It’s been a significant amount of time since our last update and a lot of life has happened in the meantime. We’ve been attempting to learn the art of balancing life between home, work and hospital and it can quite grueling and exhausting at times. I will attempt to catch you up on the most recent goings on.
As some of you already know, Fernando’s trachea and g-tube were finally removed. He is completely off the oxygen during the day and only receives slight supplemental assistance at night while sleeping. All these things were huge victories worth celebrating and for Fernando, vital moments where he was able to take mental inventory of his progress. The next “big” step is his long awaited cranioplasty surgery, scheduled for November 5th. This is where they will go in to restore the contour of his skull by covering the piece that was previously removed with a custom contoured graft made into a titanium plate. As with all surgeries, there are risks for secondary injuries, blood clots, stokes and infection among other things.
*** We would appreciate prayers for a successful cranioplasty surgery with no complications and for the surgery to have a significant impact on his cognitive recovery and rehab moving forward. ***

This is Fernando's new friend
Having faith along with a loyal network of family, friends and a prayerful community of spiritual brothers and sisters has been relevant to Fernando’s recovery. We were told early on that we were going to need a village to get through this. Fortunately, Fernando and Daminica have a village, a village with both heart and ears. Fernando would not be where he is today without the prayers, fellowship, love and support he has received from all of you.
For instance, his good friend David has faithfully prayed with Fernando every single day since the accident. His friends Brian and Leane, with the help of many volunteers organized a fund raising benefit in early October. It was held at a beautiful location in Morrison, in a cave that is nestled on a hill between rock formations and trees. It was a beautiful evening of fellowship, food, and worship along with a silent auction that raised money to purchase equipment necessary for home modifications. Fernando’s friends, Randy and Carl along with a crew of volunteers will begin the home modifications soon.
More recently Pastor Adam and Pastor John joined him in music therapy. Word has it, they had quite the jam session with a crescendo of praise and worship resulting in a fragrant offering! Another day, Pastor Will accompanied Fernando on his very first outing outside the hospital. They went to the History Museum. This was a huge step in Fernando’s recovery, being reintroduced out into the world with his present limitations and new challenges to overcome. With Pastor Will’s support and encouragement, he did great and although exhausted afterwards, they had a great time together. Of course, Jesus is the ultimate present one, only He can invade our life with His grace and be with us, for us, and in us, but Fernando is blessed to have the best of both!
A few days prior to their accident, Daminica shared with me that she and Fernando had privately recommitted their lives to serve God, to be all in, both agreeing to surrender completely to His will, for whatever He required of them. Since their accident, I have replayed that conversation in my mind wondering exactly what God’s plan is in all of this. Lately, I’ve witnessed so many “God moves” that I have even more cause to wonder. Has He given them a specific assignment, one more sacred and purposeful than imaginable, an assignment that will impact the eternal destinies of a myriad of people? Or maybe, as my good friend pointed out, merely to prepare them with the strength that would be necessary to endure through what was unknowingly headed their way? Either way, I see the two of them living “all in” every single day. So much so that people take notice! Whether it be nurses, aides, therapists, janitorial workers or members of other patients’ families, Fernando’s room on most days is like a revolving door where people often pop in to say hello or just hang out for a bit. One young lady recently brought him a special gift, a plaque she got for him that read, “Hard to put into words, his deep faith that reminds us we are not alone.” Prior to her visit, she was a total stranger to us, none of us had ever seen her around the facility before that day. Yet, she explained to us that she felt God speaking to her heart when seeing Fernando’s strong faith and the faith of those around him. I must confess, at a very deep spiritual level, my own faith and walk have become more vibrant by being present there.
There are days at the facility where we notice a patient or two and their families toughing their way through, relying on their own strength and the resilience and ingenuity of the resources at hand. We see their struggle; the unrest and frustration so we always stop to pray for them. We also make a habit to pray for all the residents, families, and staff there daily. I often pray specifically that God will continue to use Fernando and Daminica to spread the love of Jesus up and down the hallways of the hospital, taking Jesus into every therapy session on every floor, to the cafeteria and to the gym and anywhere else they go so that every person there can see what it looks like to rest in the faithful and gracious presence of the Lord.
The other day, Daminica and I were accompanying Fernando to one of his therapy sessions when a young girl and her father got on the elevator with us. I noticed she had a very sad, distant, and blank stare about her. Fernando noticed it too and unable to recall words, he immediately resorted to getting her attention by waving his hand and giving her a thumbs up. At first, she didn’t respond, but by the time the elevator doors opened, she looked over at Fernando and wiggled her thumb back at him. As she was heading out of the elevator, Fernando blurted out very clearly, “nice to meet you!” Daminica and I just looked at each-other, dumbfounded and in total awe of how God used Fernando in that moment, giving him valuable words, fitly spoken to remind this girl she was loved and hadn’t been forgotten. Since then, they have become fast friends, acknowledging one another with a smile and thumbs up whenever they cross paths.
God is the one who transforms tragedy into triumph, that’s just who He is and although I can’t pretend to know the ways or thoughts of God, I do believe that all of us who have been a part of their journey are witnessing a seemingly miraculous, divinely orchestrated event influenced by God’s intervention. Fernando and Daminica are not inconsequential by any stretch, they are merely living out the commitment they made, to be all in, whatever He requires of them, ALL FOR HIS GLORY!
A few days prior to their accident, Daminica shared with me that she and Fernando had privately recommitted their lives to serve God, to be all in, both agreeing to surrender completely to His will, for whatever He required of them. Since their accident, I have replayed that conversation in my mind wondering exactly what God’s plan is in all of this. Lately, I’ve witnessed so many “God moves” that I have even more cause to wonder. Has He given them a specific assignment, one more sacred and purposeful than imaginable, an assignment that will impact the eternal destinies of a myriad of people? Or maybe, as my good friend pointed out, merely to prepare them with the strength that would be necessary to endure through what was unknowingly headed their way? Either way, I see the two of them living “all in” every single day. So much so that people take notice! Whether it be nurses, aides, therapists, janitorial workers or members of other patients’ families, Fernando’s room on most days is like a revolving door where people often pop in to say hello or just hang out for a bit. One young lady recently brought him a special gift, a plaque she got for him that read, “Hard to put into words, his deep faith that reminds us we are not alone.” Prior to her visit, she was a total stranger to us, none of us had ever seen her around the facility before that day. Yet, she explained to us that she felt God speaking to her heart when seeing Fernando’s strong faith and the faith of those around him. I must confess, at a very deep spiritual level, my own faith and walk have become more vibrant by being present there.
There are days at the facility where we notice a patient or two and their families toughing their way through, relying on their own strength and the resilience and ingenuity of the resources at hand. We see their struggle; the unrest and frustration so we always stop to pray for them. We also make a habit to pray for all the residents, families, and staff there daily. I often pray specifically that God will continue to use Fernando and Daminica to spread the love of Jesus up and down the hallways of the hospital, taking Jesus into every therapy session on every floor, to the cafeteria and to the gym and anywhere else they go so that every person there can see what it looks like to rest in the faithful and gracious presence of the Lord.
The other day, Daminica and I were accompanying Fernando to one of his therapy sessions when a young girl and her father got on the elevator with us. I noticed she had a very sad, distant, and blank stare about her. Fernando noticed it too and unable to recall words, he immediately resorted to getting her attention by waving his hand and giving her a thumbs up. At first, she didn’t respond, but by the time the elevator doors opened, she looked over at Fernando and wiggled her thumb back at him. As she was heading out of the elevator, Fernando blurted out very clearly, “nice to meet you!” Daminica and I just looked at each-other, dumbfounded and in total awe of how God used Fernando in that moment, giving him valuable words, fitly spoken to remind this girl she was loved and hadn’t been forgotten. Since then, they have become fast friends, acknowledging one another with a smile and thumbs up whenever they cross paths.
God is the one who transforms tragedy into triumph, that’s just who He is and although I can’t pretend to know the ways or thoughts of God, I do believe that all of us who have been a part of their journey are witnessing a seemingly miraculous, divinely orchestrated event influenced by God’s intervention. Fernando and Daminica are not inconsequential by any stretch, they are merely living out the commitment they made, to be all in, whatever He requires of them, ALL FOR HIS GLORY!
Their hardship has not been easy, suffering never concludes without God’s power working through it supernaturally and from my vantage point, there is nothing sweeter or more beautiful than the gift of God Himself, manifestly present during our darkest hours imaginable. He is the gift that can “change” everything! Through all their emotional and spiritual ups and downs, on their good days and the bad days, whether they fight or succumb, the gift of His presence has been their rock and guarantee, that in Him, they have everything they need.
The Lord continues to direct them and just recently, a new opportunity has come forth. A door seems to have opened and pending approval from the insurance company and Daminica’s work, they will head to IOWA to a transitional living facility where Fernando can receive further intensive therapy to improve his linguistic functioning and gain essential skills to better advocate for himself confidently. He will also continue with his physical and occupational therapy to become more self-sufficient before returning home. Not all patients are eligible for this type of continued rehabilitation program, only those who demonstrate a consistent capacity to improve and make progress in their recovery get this consideration. Fernando’s doctor and therapy team believe Fernando can excel with some additional intense therapy and God willing, they will both be heading out as soon as Fernando has recovered enough from his surgery to make it safe to travel.
The Lord continues to direct them and just recently, a new opportunity has come forth. A door seems to have opened and pending approval from the insurance company and Daminica’s work, they will head to IOWA to a transitional living facility where Fernando can receive further intensive therapy to improve his linguistic functioning and gain essential skills to better advocate for himself confidently. He will also continue with his physical and occupational therapy to become more self-sufficient before returning home. Not all patients are eligible for this type of continued rehabilitation program, only those who demonstrate a consistent capacity to improve and make progress in their recovery get this consideration. Fernando’s doctor and therapy team believe Fernando can excel with some additional intense therapy and God willing, they will both be heading out as soon as Fernando has recovered enough from his surgery to make it safe to travel.
*** Prayer is needed for a way to be made for Daminica to accompany him to Iowa as his advocate. This is necessary if he is to take advantage of this opportunity. This would require approval from Daminica’s work for additional time off and she recently just returned back after being gone since the accident in July. We are extremely grateful to the City of Broomfield for everything they have done to support Daminica through this, specifically to the gals in her department who, being shorthanded, have worked tirelessly to cover her workload and have graciously supported and encouraged her and Fernando through this. ***
***Prayer Requests ***
*** For Fernando’s upcoming surgery, uncomplicated recovery and for protection against any virus’ or anything that can potentially hinder or delay the surgery.
*** For everything to fall into place with the approval from the insurance company and for additional time off so Daminica can accompany him to Iowa.
*** For strength and courage for them to temporarily leave behind their network of support and step out in faith, trusting in whatever God has for them next.
*** November 4th is their first wedding anniversary. I know neither of them ever thought anything like this was possible. Please pray for a renewed sense of hope and resilience as they continue to navigate through this challenging time, that their love for one another will continue to be the beacon of light guiding them in their journey and they experience God’s healing power, mending, and restoring their lives.
*** For Fernando’s upcoming surgery, uncomplicated recovery and for protection against any virus’ or anything that can potentially hinder or delay the surgery.
*** For everything to fall into place with the approval from the insurance company and for additional time off so Daminica can accompany him to Iowa.
*** For strength and courage for them to temporarily leave behind their network of support and step out in faith, trusting in whatever God has for them next.
*** November 4th is their first wedding anniversary. I know neither of them ever thought anything like this was possible. Please pray for a renewed sense of hope and resilience as they continue to navigate through this challenging time, that their love for one another will continue to be the beacon of light guiding them in their journey and they experience God’s healing power, mending, and restoring their lives.
I am deeply grateful for God’s incredible mercy and all the graces He has poured out over their lives and for His provision of their many and ever-changing needs. I am also grateful to God for each of you for being part of our village, for embracing them with so much love, support and encouragement and in doing so, have become such a vital part of their journey!
Lastly, for anyone who may be suffering, please don’t let your suffering drive you away from God. Rather, draw closer. Healing and recovery can be a long and daunting journey, but ultimate healing comes from His hands! You are not alone!
Dallas Harris
“Behold, I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20)10/19/2024 2:16pm - Update
I’ll forever be grateful for this note. My husband went on a trip not long before our accident and left this for me on our bathroom mirror. I thought it was the sweetest thing so I left it up even when he came home.
When there were no words, I still received from my loving husband, “Love you” every morning since the accident. It’s easy to become consumed by our circumstances especially when we are hurting. Every time I see this note, it reminds me how God is always providing for us. This note is “Love Ya” from my husband and “Love Ya More” from my Heavenly Father.
If we can just keep our eyes focused on Him and not on our circumstances. Thank you God for loving and provisioning for us the way you do. “All I have is a heart full of gratitude!”
Daminica Zamora

10/11/2024 8:00pm - Video from Daminica
Tonight, there was a fund raiser for Pastor Fernando. There was plenty of food, fellowship and lots of worship music. But most of all, funds were raised for Fernando's next journey. The video is from Daminica as she shares what life is like today and what the plans are for the near future as she and her family get ready for Fernando to come home. (The sound is a little low, so you may need to turn it up)
(Message from Daminica) I am filled with immense gratitude for the incredible spirit filled experience I had last night. The presence of the Lord was undeniable, and it ministered to my soul in ways I desperately needed. The beauty of the setting and the gathering left me in awe. I am so grateful for the kindness, love and generosity of those who put this event together and for everyone who came (and to those who couldn’t make it) to show their love and support. Being in that beautiful cave with its stunning views praising the Lord with my brothers and sisters in Christ, I will cherish that time for the rest of my life. Thank you for loving Fernando and our family! We are truly blessed to have such wonderful friends and faithful prayer warriors on our journey. God's goodness is on full display, and He rightfully deserves all the glory! Bless the Lord ~ Oh My Soul. Today is a good day for a miracle!
Daminica Zamora
Psalm 103
Pictures from the Fundraiser for Fernando at Willowbrook Amphitheater, Morrison, Colo

10/07/2024 6:00pm - Update
This is the song I sing to Fernando, I tell him how God helped me find my place in this world, right beside him. God is the light! We have embarked on this difficult journey we never asked for or wanted, but have been learning along the way the beauty of God’s unconditional and sacrificial love for us. Our faith has been stretched and strengthened in so many beautiful ways. Today WAS a good day for a miracle!!!! The trache is out!!! Thank you God! Thank you all for the prayers!
Daminica Zamora
And He said to them, “Because of your meager faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you (Matthew 17:20)
"Place in this World"
9/30/2024 5:20pm - Update
After my surgery, I wasn’t able to drive and I took an Uber to the hospital today. My driver and I had a great conversation, and when we arrived, he told me to keep the fare and told me he would be to praying for my husband. This random act of kindness reminded me of God's presence in our lives. It also reminded me of all the good in the world.
Fernando recently started music speech therapy, which has been such a blessing. This means for therapy we sing songs of worship like 'Made for More' by Josh Baldwin, which resonates with Fernando’s heart. During therapy, she used a communication board to express his feelings, he was erasing everything (pain, sorrow, fear) leaving only hope and praise. She said, I think you are telling me that you’re going to, Praise Him in this storm! (Casting Crowns) He raised his arm in praise, showing his faith and gratitude.
In physical therapy, Fernando worked hard to stand trying to do abundantly more then was asked, impressing his therapist. She commented on his positive attitude and his great sense of humor. She said, no wonder your wife likes you so well. Today, Fernando was able to meet his Spanish-speaking neighbor, who has at times been in distress. Fernando has been desperately wanting to talk to him but with limited words it’s been hard. But GOD, today they met in the gym. I told his interpreter, Fernando is bilingual and that I believe he understands what he is saying but because of his brain injury his words are limited. He told Fernando, that this is hard for him too. I told him Fernando and I would be praying for him. He said, that he would be praying for us too.
What happened next… was unconditional agape love! Both in wheelchairs they grabbed each others hands and shared a hug. They offered each other prayers and support without needing any words at all. There is no question that God was in midst.
In occupation therapy, Fernando was working his right arm and pushing through his pain, never refusing to try. His therapist praised his strong spirit and willingness to work hard. She turned on the music and it happened to be ‘I Want to Hold Your Hand' by The Beatles. This was his jam! This moment after everything that happened today, filled my heart with joy.
I often think to myself that there isn’t any way that I could ever love him more then I do already. Then he shows up with his contagious faith and unconditional love for others and ministering to hearts without a single word. Let that be said of me! May I always love so pure and purposefully. Let me live out my faith as loudly and sincerely as my sweet husband. Thank you Jesus for all the blessings!
Today was a good day!
Daminica Zamora
And He said to them, “Because of your meager faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you (Matthew 17:20)

Fernando & Wil
"Two bro's taking a stroll"9/27/2024 11:25 am - Update
Hello Team Fernando,
We are praising God to be back at the Long-Term Rehab Facility after Saturday’s scare that sent us over to Swedish Hospital for 5 days. Fernando received a heavy dose of antibiotics to clear the infection in his lungs and today (Friday), he is back to the important business of recovery therapy!
We are grateful for your prayers on behalf of Fernando and Daminica, your prayers have been sustaining them in hope and comfort.
I have agonized over this tragedy and have questioned God trying to understand why something like this had to happen, but as I look beyond my grief with spiritual eyes, I see so much altruistic love coming from so many different sources that I realize, tragedy, although devastating, has the tremendous power to breakthrough hearts and unite us together. We all share that place in common, that place where God resides as our Head, where we find the grace and power to overcome every trial we face and fulfill our purpose and mission in His Kingdom.
Our family is grateful and humbled to be the recipient of comfort through the body of Christ and to witness such a beautiful display of the goodness of the gospel in such a personal way. Thank you and God Bless!
We are praising God to be back at the Long-Term Rehab Facility after Saturday’s scare that sent us over to Swedish Hospital for 5 days. Fernando received a heavy dose of antibiotics to clear the infection in his lungs and today (Friday), he is back to the important business of recovery therapy!
We are grateful for your prayers on behalf of Fernando and Daminica, your prayers have been sustaining them in hope and comfort.
I have agonized over this tragedy and have questioned God trying to understand why something like this had to happen, but as I look beyond my grief with spiritual eyes, I see so much altruistic love coming from so many different sources that I realize, tragedy, although devastating, has the tremendous power to breakthrough hearts and unite us together. We all share that place in common, that place where God resides as our Head, where we find the grace and power to overcome every trial we face and fulfill our purpose and mission in His Kingdom.
Our family is grateful and humbled to be the recipient of comfort through the body of Christ and to witness such a beautiful display of the goodness of the gospel in such a personal way. Thank you and God Bless!

Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness
9/22/2024 1:10pm - Update
Hello Team Fernando,
I wanted to share with you a glimpse into the daily lives of Fernando and Daminica. Life as they knew it has forever changed. There are still remnants of what life looked like pre-accident and for me, to see those moments between them is a sweet and hopeful reminder that God is not done here. So much has happened since that life altering night in July when we were left with no idea of what the future held for them. We still don’t know and I am learning, as they are, to not look too far ahead as this is an ever changing, day to day process with no promises or pre-determined outcome. As much as I wish we had some way to see the future, just to help us navigate the waters ahead, I recognize that setbacks are a natural part of the TBI landscape. Fernando and Daminica’s world is up and it’s down and it’s often exhausting, but they are learning to cherish and revel in every moment of quiet and calm.
Daminica had shoulder surgery on Friday to repair torn tendons in her shoulder. I believe she was surprised that she didn’t bounce back as quickly as she had hoped to be back at Fernando’s side. It took some convincing to get her to agree to rest for a few days and focus on her healing and once she was able to assure Fernando was in good, dependable hands, she agreed to doing just that.
Saturday morning while resting quietly, she received a call from the hospital, Fernando had a rough night. He was having trouble breathing and his pulmonary team was concerned with what they were seeing. They had to increase his oxygen by a considerable amount and were sending him over to the ER at Swedish Hospital to get to the bottom of what was going on. Their concern was a pulmonary embolism. After doing an MRI, it was determined he has an infection in his lungs (again), indicating pre-pneumonia so they will be keeping him there for observation as they treat him. Daminica got ready and headed to the hospital and once she got there, Fernando just wanted to hold her hand. She sat and held his hand, hurting and exhausted herself. Logically, we all know to expect setbacks. We’ve learned that living with a traumatic brain injury means acknowledging the potential arrival of any number of health consequences. But things were looking up, Fernando was getting ready to have his trachea removed, he was eating solid food and the g-tube would be coming out soon and his swallowing looked good. We were so excited and celebrating those victories. These are the things that keep us hopeful and moving forward and can I just say, setbacks SUCK!!!
Fernando is now back on the trachea collar, back on a liquid diet until they can re-access his swallowing technique to determine if he is aspirating which may be causing the pneumonia symptoms.
Both Fernando and Daminica are people of strong faith who continuously give thanks to God, trusting their lives and future completely to His capable hands. Even so, as I’m sure you can imagine, these set backs can be very discouraging for them, as well as for his family and all their precious friends. Please continue to join me in keeping them covered in prayer, I know all of our lives move forward but theirs is in a perpetual holding pattern of uncertainty and challenge, every day is a struggle.
My prayer is they be continuously comforted by God’s love for them as they lay before Him all the memories that haunt them, the anxieties that perplex them, the despair that frightens them. I pray HIS peace upon them in the midst of all the setbacks and disappointments as they continue to trust in His will for their future. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Thank you all for your prayers, compassion, kindness and love for these two beautiful souls. We remain FERNANDO STRONG!
9/20/2024 2:00pm - Update
For all those who were praying for Daminica’s surgery this morning, it all went well and she is now at my house resting while she recovers. Thank you!
9/18/2024 5:25pm - Update
It has been several days since we consulted with Fernando's medical team, and it is evident that they are dedicated to his recovery. Despite the severity of his injuries, they remain committed to achieving the best possible outcome. During our meeting, the doctor explained that Fernando's recovery would be a challenging process, but he assured us that he is determined to prove himself wrong. I couldn't help but admire his dedication and positivity, and I will continue to pray for Him as I pray for Fernando's complete healing.
Our primary objective is to help Fernando return to his pre-accident self as closely as possible, and the team is working tirelessly to achieve this goal. This experience has kept me on my knees in faithful prayer. I have at times found myself questioning why this had to happen. However, I have come to terms with our circumstances by surrendering my will to God's and trusting in His plan for Fernando's life and mine.
Despite the challenges ahead, I am confident that we can overcome them with faith, perseverance, and the support of our loved ones. I am grateful for the progress Fernando has made so far, including his improved speech (can say several single words) and is experiencing increased mobility (a few intentional foot taps on the right side). His body is continuing to get stronger!
I ask that you continue to pray for the swelling in the brain to go down so we can have the cranioplasty. We have the eye doctor appointment tomorrow, so please pray the doctor can find vision in that left eye. We are still working towards getting the trachea out, so pray that the secretions will finally resolve. We are also looking into what it’s going to take to be able to bring him home after his stay here and what it will take to make our home accessible, so prayers the Lord will make the way!
Please pray for me for a speedy recovery from shoulder surgery on Friday.
I wish I had the ability to hug and thank everyone of you personally for all the love, prayers, financial support and gifts of love you have blessed us with. I know that there is no way for me to fully express the depth of our gratitude. God has truly overwhelmed us with the most beautiful family of faithful friends to walk and pray with. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. We love you and we are praying for all of you. May God get the Glory.
9/12/2024 7:16am - A Prayer from Daminica Zamora
Father God, I come before you, interceding and lifting my husband up in prayer, rebuking apraxia and aphasia in Jesus' name. We pray for his tongue to be released and his speech and ability to communicate to be fully restored. Also, we pray against the lung infection and fluid on his lungs. Lord, please breathe the breath of new life into his entire body. The enemy does not want Fernando to overcome, but your Word says that those who seek to do evil against believers will fall. So, we tell Satan to stand down because Fernando is a child of God, chosen and covered by the blood of Jesus. This battle has already been won in the mighty name of Jesus!
Today is the day we meet with the entire team to go over what Fernando’s recovery journey will look like. Please pray for all the doctors that they will have wisdom and discernment in knowing everything Fernando will need. We find comfort in knowing that at the end of the day, God is the creator of life and the great physician. Ultimately, Fernando is in the hands of his loving Father. We have peace in knowing that’s the best place to be.
Daminica Zamora
Today is the day we meet with the entire team to go over what Fernando’s recovery journey will look like. Please pray for all the doctors that they will have wisdom and discernment in knowing everything Fernando will need. We find comfort in knowing that at the end of the day, God is the creator of life and the great physician. Ultimately, Fernando is in the hands of his loving Father. We have peace in knowing that’s the best place to be.
Daminica Zamora
"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.” And He reassured them and spoke kindly to them." (Genesis 50:20-21 NIV)
9/08/2024 7:00am - Update
In these times of hardships, I have been given the opportunity to discover the depth of my faith. Like many of you, I have endured trials that seemed unsurvivable but time and time again, I have emerged stronger due to God's unwavering grace over my life. The pain of watching my husband fight for his life and struggling to communicate, has been a heartbreak that is indescribable and pales in comparison to anything I’ve had to endure thus far, but I have come to realize that our broken world is filled with heartache that is far beyond my comprehension. Despite the darkness, God's light always shines through.
Psalm 23:4 "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and staff, they comfort me."
Recently, we experienced a day filled with set backs, frustration, and a sense of sadness was looming. We had just settled back into our room when I heard a knock at the door, it was a peer mentor. I wish I could tell you that I was happy to see her, but I wasn’t. I just wanted to be alone and reflect on my thoughts. She asked if I wanted to talk and I said, “no”. So she came in anyway and shut the door behind her. She introduced herself as a graduate from the rehab center. She suffered a brain aneurysm and like Fernando, she lost all mobility on her right side, she lost the ability to communicate. She told us that when she got here, she was in the same room that we are now.
She was offering words of encouragement, reminding us of the power of God's miracles. (The fact that she was, walking and talking was not lost on me.) She was ministering to my heart. She said that she had heard that Fernando was a pastor and asked where he was pastoring. I told her, Crossroads Church of Denver. She said, "that used to be my church!”
When she said that, we knew that there is no such thing as a coincidence. We knew it was God! So we laughed, cried, and gave thanks for the blessings in our lives. God is always present, guiding us through every valley. This sweet woman walking into our room at the exact moment I needed her, was as close to feeling like God was actually hugging me as I have ever felt. It was the most beautiful blessing. I told Fernando, God sent this woman to us as a reminder of what is possible when we put our trust and hope in God. I told Fernando that the road in front of us isn’t an easy one, but with God it’s possible! God, never promised easy but He does make all things possible. We are clinging to that promise!
I have always been in awe of my husband's strength, determination and faith in the face of uncertainty, a testament to the power of God's love. We are beyond grateful for all the love, prayers and support of our family and friends. Truly, we will never be be able to get through this without each and everyone of you.
I am very aware that we aren’t the only ones walking through some treacherous valleys right now, if you are too, then this my encouragement to you, God sees you, He loves you and He is walking with you. It doesn’t make it easy but it does make it possible! My hope is that we all find strength in God's love and light in the darkest of times. If you don’t have that relationship with the Lord, please reach out. It’s never to late to join the family.
Daminica ZamoraI am Fernando Strong. Thank you Jesus!

2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV
"But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness'. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me."